Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): MAEH Journal of Environmental Health (MJEH): Environmental Health Towards Livable Communities

"MAEH Urban Health Forum 2023" is a program to provide a stage for focus group discussion (FGD) to analyze and discuss urban health related issues. It also aims at raising awareness and educating the community about the current state and urban health status in Malaysia. This program serves as a medium for various agencies to collaborate and discuss urban health issues that have been occurring in Malaysia. The findings and conclusions from this forum can lead to the development of implementation methods and mitigation strategies in controlling urbanization-related issues and concern in the future.
Objectives :
1) Providing a space for group-focused discussions (Focus Group Discussion) to analyze and discuss urban health-related issues.
2) Promoting healthy and safe lifestyles to the community as one of the methods to reduce urban health-related risks.
3) Creating opportunities to meet and build relationships among the involved parties in the field of environmental health.
Editor In Chief:
Associate Professor Dr Farah Ayuni Shafie (UiTM)
Professor Dr Juliana Jalaludin (UPM)
Dr Syazwan Aizat Ismail (ILKKM, Sg Buloh)
Ts Rudiaswady Abdul Rahim (MAEH)
Dr Subramanian Karuppannan (MAEH)
Mr Veeramohan Supramaniam (MAEH)