Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): MAEH Journal of Environmental Health (MJEH): Life in Pandemic Era Series; Challenges and Opportunities Toward Environmental Sustainability


Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has claimed millions of lives worldwide but there are always lessons that can be learned in times of crisis like this. MAEH believes that studies should begin to focus on efforts to create more sustainable plans and policies during pandemics. Although there has been positive effect on the air quality from the movement control order, the problem with increasing amounts of garbage due to the use of face masks and food packaging during lockdowns is worrying. MAEH held a webinar to discuss on the current situation of climate change, air quality and waste management during a pandemic and effective measures to overcome the issue. Online educational materials on the correct disposal of face masks, food safety during the crisis and air quality status during movement control orders were developed for the health promotion of the public.

Published: 17-01-2022

Focus Group Discussion