About the Journal

All articles published by MAEH Journal of Environmental Health (eISSN 2637-1359) are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Further information about open access can be found here.

As authors of articles published in MEAH Journal of Environmental Health you are the copyright holders of your article and have granted to any third party, in advance and in perpetuity, the right to use, reproduce or disseminate your article, according to the MAEH Publication Agreement.

The MAEH Journal of Environmental Health (MJEH) is published 2 times per year by the Malaysian Association of Environmental Health (MAEH) and keeps readers up-to-date on current issues, new research, useful products and services, and employment opportunities. As the only direct link to the complete spectrum of environmental health topics, the MJEH reaches more than 1000 professionals working to solve problems in areas such as:

  • applied epidemiology and disease control,
  • geospatial epidemiology and health informatics,
  • industrial ecology and health,
  • environmental ecology and human health,
  • outdoor and indoor air quality,
  • drinking water quality and surveillance,
  • food safety, hygiene and protection,
  • hazardous materials/toxic substances management,
  • institutional environmental health,
  • occupational health and hygiene,
  • occupational safety and health
  • terrorism and all-hazards preparedness,
  • vector and animal control,
  • wastewater engineering, health and management,
  • water pollution and control,
  • biostatistics and epidemiology,
  • environmental health forensics,
  • environmental health modeling,
  • environmental and occupational health engineering,
  • human factors and ergonomics, and
  • green technology and sustainability research.
  • any other relevant topics in the field of environmental health